open house graphic

Open house information for Westside Intermediate, our partner school, Westside Primary, and information for Wicomico County Public Schools:

Westside Intermediate: Wednesday Aug. 28, Open House at Westside Intermediate 4-6 p.m. for all grade levels. Westside Intermediate’s leadership team of Principal Christina Stewart and Assistant Principal Heather Cherry, teachers and staff are excited to see students and parents and guardians as we get ready for the 2024-2025 school year.

School supply list

School phone: 410-677-5118

School email:

Web page:


Westside Primary: The administration, faculty and staff would like to welcome our parents and students to attend our Open House on Wednesday, Aug. 28, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Principal Glendon Jones, new Dean of Students Dr. Rebekah Donovan, teachers and staff look forward to seeing the smiling faces and excitement our students and parents will show when meeting their teachers for the upcoming school year.

School supply list

School phone: 410-677-5117

School email:

Web page:


Key WCPS Dates for Start of the 2024-2025 School Year

Friday, Aug. 16: Student school year information distributed

Tuesday, Aug. 27: Family Portal opens for 2024-2025 school year, with secondary student schedules available to print. Open houses for middle and high schools.

Wednesday, Aug. 28: Open houses for elementary schools

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Students in grades 1-6 and grade 9 attend school on Sept. 3. (Please note these exceptions: All grades attend at Pittsville Elementary and Middle, and only grade 6 attends at Mardela Middle and High.)

Wednesday, Sept. 4: All students in grades 1-12 in school Wednesday, Sept. 4.

During the first week, Kindergarten and Prekindergarten students will report as scheduled by the assigned school; detailed information will be in the welcome letter. The first day that all Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students will be in school together is Monday, Sept. 9.


Useful Links to Information on the Wicomico County Public Schools Website

Go to the school system website ( to find information for the upcoming school year, such as:

2024-2025 School Year Calendars

School Hours (regular schedule, and also with a 90-minute delay)

Our eBulletinBoard, with flyers for school/school system and community events

Instructions for logging in to use Family Portal once the portal opens Aug. 27

Important Forms & Notices